31 iulie 2007

moda /

PS : astia nu-s gay..pentru aia care sunt neintelesi
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another elite's edition

Search Spy

am dat sa vad ce mai cauta oamenii in ziua de astazi,ce ii intereseaza ,aici cateva exemple

1.Guta gigolo (extraordinar bine ca nu e maimutza)
2.Anda Adam - doar tu alegi (nu am auzit vreodata de melodia asta )
3.Florin Minune (a 7-a minune)
4.Icoane 1 (lol)
5.Viorel Tanase - are tata 2 feciori (e gay?)
8.Dansu Gainii (wau,exista asa ceva :D)
9.Videoclip ma manhnca palma sthnga (penal rau)
10.prietenii mei elefanti (e bine la zoo acolo?)
11.manele bani si femei (mda)
12.mihaela minune (inca o stea)
13.viata perversa si rea (daca zici u)
14.sunerii telefon (poate vrei sa zici sonerii)
15.am valoare (mori in bezna)
16. 2 Iepuras dragalas (muahahaha lol)
17.Gigi Guta Eu Nu Fac Ce Face Altul (las ca stim noi)
18.budda bar (deci,din atatia unu e mai istarit)
20.si cand mor am valoare (iara asta!!! ..futtz mm)

omul scrumiera de la capatul tabacului

Cum se face ca au ajuns ca toti "copiii manelelor" sa isi posteze filme pe net,cu un lantz la gat de 12 carate,pantaloni stramti,ceea ce ma doare este ca am vazut recent deabia 2,3 filmulete,in care unii isi arata enorma lor entitate a creierului buruiana..de iti vine sa iti bagi capu in WC,culmea dom'le manelele astea le gasesti pe mp3-uri au si taranii asa ceva..stiu nu va place schimbatzi canalu ma refer la Taraf..doar ptr ce platesc abonamentu sa vad postu ala?..ma intreb oare v-ati uitat vreodata pe canalu Mezzo ,acu ceva timp in urma pe acest canal a fost un concert cu orchestra "Baobab'' la un festival din Lorient...mi-a placut! chiar daca acest canal nu se afla in randul iubitorilor de muzica culturala cum spunea Mark Twain "All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure. " Sa nu fim chiar rai,poate si tiganii sunt Romani de-ai nostri,dar oare cum se face ca la noi,de exemplu un prieten a venit din strainatate si la aeroport a avut probleme cu hainele,si in schimb a ramas cu niste zdrente pe el,omu avea bani bineinteles,s-a dus la un magazin luxos sa isi cumpere ceva de imbracat,vanzatoarele nu il bagau in seama,ci doar pe acei oameni care erau imbracati la 4 ace,cum se face ca in alte tari esti servit ca oricine si la noi nu e asa,aceasta gandire care pare palida cred ca vine si de la tigani,azi eram intr-un parc si trecuse un mos ,batran,pielea putrezita ,zdrente rupte, dar modul in care cerea ceva,parca ii era jena..chiar daca nu ii dadeai nimic..iti respunea politicos,nu-l mai vazusem,nu era tigan..un prieten i-a dat niste tigari,apoi mi-am adus aminte ca aveam niste bani,cand l-am chemat omu a ramas uimit,ca nimeni de acolo nu ii daduse vreun 1 leu..si totusi zona era plina de tineri cu bani si impresii..ceea ce m-a enervat ca in aceasta Romanie,dulce ca mierea,unii sufera ,stiu ca auziti in fiecare zi acelasi mesaj,subiect ,il si vedeti pe strazi,la televiziune..parca continui degeaba sa repeti "chiar asa de rau e" sincer daca as avea 1 mil. $ as cumpara,sau chiar as construi un loc ptr acesti oameni cu tv,baie, nu vreau sa fiu un erou,lol..dar nu vreau sa ajung ca aceai oameni cand o sa am o masina luxoasa,o vila,un cont gras in banca,o amanta )) sa trec cu vederea acesti oameni..e pacat,mai ales ca am scris degeaba,toata lumea e la interes,acel om scrumiera de la capatul tabacului"

30 iulie 2007

De neinteles

"Dacă Al Capone avea un asemenea “tricou” sigur nu-l mai prindea nici mama FBIului."

"Bucifal the greatest. A spart vreo 3 hectare de femei si se indreapta spre al 4lea."

Dragutz site-ul click aici --[x]

Presa Internationala

Iata ca am dat de un articol recent postat pe CNN privind situatia orfanilor din Romania.

Romania's Lost Children
The little baby boy lay awake in his cot. He was bound in swaddling, as is the tradition in these parts, and I was aching to pick him up. The doctor told me his name: Emanuel Bizgan. He was five months old, the son of a homeless woman, and had been abandoned at the hospital.

Emanuel is one of a new generation of orphans in Romania. These days babies abandoned at hospitals are likely to stay there until their second birthday. New laws banning the institutionalization of children under two have backfired for them. Only when they turn two will they be legally allowed to go to a children's home. Not that that would be much better.

The doctor in charge, Dr. Monica Nicoara, has become a babysitter for dozens of newborns and toddlers. There's nothing medically wrong with the children – they've simply had the misfortune of being given up by their parents.

"They have no affiliation, no stability; 'that’s my mummy, I go to my mummy, I am safe with my mummy. I have many mummies – anyone is okay, but which is mine?,'" she tells me. "It is not a personal relationship here."

We filmed Dr. Nicoara and her charges at the Baia Mare hospital in northern Romania. Some of the older babies who could sit up were rocking – child welfare experts say that's a sign that they’re suffering from a lack of stimulation. I noticed something else odd about the ward – the babies weren’t crying. There were a dozen little ones there and they were all quiet. They'd given up on crying. That above all was hard to learn – the best way babies can communicate their needs and these ones had given up. They had learned that crying didn't get them what they wanted. How could it – when their were 23 of them to care for and just 3 nurses on the ward?

The babies didn't cry but by the end of this shoot I think our entire crew was holding back tears. We knew that this was going to be an emotional story to tell. By the time we finished filming, we'd all had a cuddle of Emanuel and some of his friends in the ward. We really wanted to take them home (wryly joking that they'd fit in our backpacks). But even if we were serious, it would have been impossible: International adoption has been banned in Romania.

The story became personal for me later that same day. I received an e-mail from a dear friend in Australia who was desperately trying to get pregnant and having all sorts of problems. She really wanted a child and it was painful to think that here I was meeting so many unwanted children. It brought home the tragedy of this story and the importance of telling it. Romania has made great strides in its child welfare system since the horrors of the Communist regime – but there are still too many babies here who may never know a mother's love.

-- From Emma Griffiths, Moscow Correspondent, ABC Australia

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Free Hugs Campaign

cand facem si noi o asa campanie

Death in a supermarket

tu cum vei reactiona cand vei fi fata in fata cu "moartea"

Bluetooth soccer ball brings the noise

Bluetooth soccer ball brings the noise

Muzicianu si inventatoru Aleksei R. Stevens a creat un concept ce se cheama "SoundBall".Acesta este o minge de fotbal echipata cu senzori ce detecteaza atunci cand mingea ruleaza,este lovita,zguduita etc.Datele sunt transmise prin Bluetooth la un calculator local, si acesta conectat la un sistem audio,practic e ca un "pian"

29 iulie 2007


Pentru alte clipuri aici

pics of the day


28 iulie 2007

pozi :D

A state of trance 309


01. Ozgur Can - ID
02. Second Skon feat. Vera Ostrova - Runaway (Magic Bells mix)
03. Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene - Invincible (Sied van Riel remix)
04. Dash Berlin - Till the sky falls down (dub)
05. Lange - Angel falls (Signalrunners Remix)
06. David West - Welsh morphology [future favorite]
07. Markus Schulz feat. Andy Moor - Daydream
08. Julian Jeweil - Air conditionne (Umek remix)
09. Sander van Doorn - Riff [tune of the week]
10. SAS - Comin’ on (Mark Sherry vs. James Allen dub mix)
11. Graeme Harrison - Xanthe
12. Evbointh - One wish (Daniel Kandi remix)
13. Duderstadt vs. Above & Beyond - Can’t smile (Daniel Kandi mash up)
14. Cape Town - Metaphorique (Ferry Tayle neverending story mix)
15. Onova - Platitude
16. Filterheadz - Yimanya (Digital Nature remix)
17. Dave 202 - Louvre
18. Re:locate vs. Sir Adrian - Times X
19. Fred Baker vs. Greg Nash - Atlantis city
20. Chicane - Saltwater [ASOT radio classic]

Recomand : Chicane - Saltwater,Dash Berlin - Till the sky falls down (dub) si Duderstadt vs. Above & Beyond - Can’t smile (Daniel Kandi mash up).

Prometeus - The Media Revolution

Acest clip ne prezinta o revolutie a spatiului virtual ce va urma in urmatorii ani,

"Man is God,He is Everywere,he is anybody,he knows everything. This is Promoteus new world"

it's magic ..

27 iulie 2007

Anne Hathaway Black n White Shoot

random pics of the week

Interactive marketing and other great advertising ideas


o melodie ce nu trebuie uitata..

dog and cat / cute

My dog and my cat from Ginger and Vimeo.

26 iulie 2007

say AAAaa

Glamorous Skill Life